I Am (Not) An Artist

“To be an Artist requires a specific intent. An intent that nearly everyone with a full-time job does not have while doing that job. You might be an artist in your spare time, but that’s something else entirely.” 

Scott Berkun


I have had an epiphany of sorts...

It's really hard for people to look at someone who objectively makes art, and not consider them to be an artist. This is something that really frustrates me. While I love creating and I think it's a good outlet for me, I think there are certain qualities that make an artist that I just personally don't see in myself (nor do I feel the need to be called an artist to begin with). If everyone who ever made art was an artist, then the entire world would be artist, and it wouldn't be this special thing anymore, this thing that is held up on a pedestal and seems unachievable to so many. I think artists have a passion behind their work that the rest of us just don't have, and that's okay. It doesn't take away your ability to make art, its just not the same experience. 

I Am (Not) An Artist - 2020

This piece came out of my frustration on not knowing how to be an artist when going to a school for artist. My love of film is something I want to share with others, but not in in the format I was being provided in school. I Am (Not) An Artist became my research project into myself and why I have such a distaste for being associated with the term artist and the sort of art I felt as if I was being forced to make in order to fit in with that group of people. 

Conceived and directed by: Megan Pimentel 

Starring: Brian Pimentel

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